Thus begins the start of the LAST four months of the grad school voyage! AMEN! I am so pumped that I will not have to think of homework ever again...or maybe at least not until I decide to go all smarty pants and get my PhD....but we will see.
I am now back to m-th mornings at the mortgage company, m-th afternoons at the GRA office at school and then m, w, th evenings in class! JOY JOY JOY! :) I am so ready to be RID of school! I know some of you think I won't like the real world...but guess what I already do the real world and school at the same time! So ya! :)
As far as classes go I have 9 hours again. Less of a reading load and teachers I like...I think...I don't really know one of them but he was a great help when I was planning on coming here so I think he should be fine!
The GRA office...assignment one given to me today. Pretty much I get to look at the last 5 years of job postings in some chronicle something for CRCJ jobs so that two of my professors can update an article done a few years back....I'M SO EXCITED! Sitting in the library 5 hours a day 4 days a week at the ads....FUN! :) I guess I can't complain too much, the job is paying for my school :) kinda....
And the mortgage company, I love it still...great money friendly faces...just some of the friendly faces have gotten a lil less friendly lately :) But all is well in the work world for me there. I get a lil frustrated at times but I'm working on my patience!
Oh and among all of this other work I still have to pick my committee, start my final paper, research for my final paper, finish my final paper, apply for graduation, help out with APS and graduate...This four months is gonna be AMAZING....and extremely challenging!
If you are struggling for something to pray for ever this semester...pray for my sanity and patience :) Thanks to all! Love yall! :)
Mr and Mrs Joshua Aaron Nix

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Words from the heart...
Well I'm obviously slacking a lil in this whole blog thing...and it's not that I haven't had time for blogs it is just that I haven't exactly been sure how to put everything I want to say. At then end of each year I usually list a few important things from each month in my journal just to look back and the year and remember the year. Sometimes they are things that can make me laugh for hours, sometimes they are things that can make me cry for hours, and sometimes they are just little things I like to remember. I have not yet made this list but I can for sure at least recall a few things that really stick out about this past year...
I had my first trip to the Rangers ballpark (along with many games to follow); I had my first trip to Six Flags over Texas :) (with another to follow, they were amazing and I was very spoiled by the fact there was no one there both times!); My niece and nephew count grew, with adding two of the most beautiful baby boys Case Truitt, and Zachary Treyvis; I made the wonderful never boring (jk) drive to and from Kansas 3 times over the summer, once to see Case, once to see Gillian and attend a wedding and once to do a reading for a wedding; My brother and sister count was also added to with Zach and Amanda's wedding in August, this one I got to fly for which in turn caused me to miss Baby Trey's birth; I got to go home for Homecoming and see my bricks and the girls; I also got to go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year!; I got to move into a way better apartment with an awesome roommate; My mommy came to visit again and we went to the women of faith conference; I learned more about myself in this past year than I ever thought I could learn in a lifetime; and last but certainly not least, I have been blessed with the MOST AMAZING, WONDERFUL, UNSELFISH, HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY, LOVEABLE, CARING, ADORABLE, AWESOME, PERFECT, LOVING, UNDERSTANDING, (well I could go on forever but I'll save yall the time for now) guy I could have possibly ever asked for, Joshua Aaron Nix.
I have never been as happy as I am with him in my life. He so kindly helps me to be a better person. He so kindly helps me to see where I've done wrong and so kindly helps me to make it right. He is the perfect compliment to my crazy, out of control, over emotional nature. When I sit and watch him play his guitar and listen to him sing, I am simply at peace. A peace that I never thought I would feel. A peace that I have prayed for so long. And I sit and just think of how thankful I am...Thankful for the craziness and bad that happened in the past, so that I can see the beauty of now...So I can be thankful of the times I spend with Josh. So I can appreciate that God was trying to teach me patience and understanding so that I could be prepared for what he was about to bless me with. And I am truly thankful that despite my anger and confusion and questions, God still sent me the angel he had been making for me this whole time. God still stuck true to his plan, despite my sometimes nastiness...
Right now I have run out of time to actually finish but I will write more later...Simply all I really needed and wanted this blog to say, was how thankful, happy and excited I am for what is to come in my life! :)
I had my first trip to the Rangers ballpark (along with many games to follow); I had my first trip to Six Flags over Texas :) (with another to follow, they were amazing and I was very spoiled by the fact there was no one there both times!); My niece and nephew count grew, with adding two of the most beautiful baby boys Case Truitt, and Zachary Treyvis; I made the wonderful never boring (jk) drive to and from Kansas 3 times over the summer, once to see Case, once to see Gillian and attend a wedding and once to do a reading for a wedding; My brother and sister count was also added to with Zach and Amanda's wedding in August, this one I got to fly for which in turn caused me to miss Baby Trey's birth; I got to go home for Homecoming and see my bricks and the girls; I also got to go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year!; I got to move into a way better apartment with an awesome roommate; My mommy came to visit again and we went to the women of faith conference; I learned more about myself in this past year than I ever thought I could learn in a lifetime; and last but certainly not least, I have been blessed with the MOST AMAZING, WONDERFUL, UNSELFISH, HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY, LOVEABLE, CARING, ADORABLE, AWESOME, PERFECT, LOVING, UNDERSTANDING, (well I could go on forever but I'll save yall the time for now) guy I could have possibly ever asked for, Joshua Aaron Nix.
I have never been as happy as I am with him in my life. He so kindly helps me to be a better person. He so kindly helps me to see where I've done wrong and so kindly helps me to make it right. He is the perfect compliment to my crazy, out of control, over emotional nature. When I sit and watch him play his guitar and listen to him sing, I am simply at peace. A peace that I never thought I would feel. A peace that I have prayed for so long. And I sit and just think of how thankful I am...Thankful for the craziness and bad that happened in the past, so that I can see the beauty of now...So I can be thankful of the times I spend with Josh. So I can appreciate that God was trying to teach me patience and understanding so that I could be prepared for what he was about to bless me with. And I am truly thankful that despite my anger and confusion and questions, God still sent me the angel he had been making for me this whole time. God still stuck true to his plan, despite my sometimes nastiness...
Right now I have run out of time to actually finish but I will write more later...Simply all I really needed and wanted this blog to say, was how thankful, happy and excited I am for what is to come in my life! :)
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