It has been ages since I last blogged! I'm sorry for anyone who actually enjoys following my blog, but I've noticed that isn't many so oh well! :)
I started my real life, big kid job a little over a month ago and I absolutely LOVE IT! I never believed everyone when they said, "just wait until you have a real job, you'll hate it" "enjoy school while you can, the real world isn't any fun"...and I'm glad I never believed them because from my perspective they are WRONG! I know that it isn't always going to be peaches and cream and I know there will definitely be days where I would much rather be at home sleeping, but for the most part I'm so excited about my job! We are currently still in the training academy. This week is "sink or swim" week. I just happened to be put with a training officer that doesn't have a lot of appointments this week, which is nice, but not a true taste of what I will be facing! I still do not know what office I will be working out of but should know very soon. After this week we have a week of classes to prepare us for the State Exam! Then the following Monday we take our State Exam to HOPEFULLY become CERTIFIED Community Supervision Officers! I'm so ready to take on my own caseload! I know it will be a TON of work but I'm excited to have a place to be! I will miss my fellow trainees though!
Enough with work, moving on to those oh so awesome and wonderful WEDDING PLANS! Joshua and I decided to move the wedding from the Sanctuary at the church to the newly remodeled Chapel! It is SO gorgeous, having enough chairs may be an issue, but it is definitely one I'm ready to face simply to have my wedding in the Chapel! As far as that I don't really have many other plans set in stone. I can't decide if it is just things I don't need to plan that I haven't done yet or if I just have no clue what I'm doing! We are having our first Wedding Shower on our year anniversary! :) It will be in Kansas on that wonderful and great holiday, HALLOWEEN! I think there are a few other showers in the process of planning but I'm not 100% sure! :) I'm just SO excited we are getting SO much closer to the day I get to marry the most amazing man in the world! :)
As far as everything else life is pretty good. A lot of things have been going through my mind and I'm really just not sure how to put them in words yet. So many obsticles that I've never decided to face have been thrown in my face lately. I am feeling some things I never thought I'd feel. Or maybe even things I have felt just never noticed before. I am currently going to a Bible study and a Sunday school class at the church and they are both helping me understand some things I never thought I would but that doesn't exactly mean I'm doing great at following through with everything! I'm trying! I'm working really hard! But some stuff is very difficult! And I'm just praying for full peace through everything at this point!
Wrapping this up now, kinda ending in the end of nowhere! Oh well gotta go...just wanted to update everyone! :) Thanks for reading!