Mr and Mrs Joshua Aaron Nix

Mr and Mrs Joshua Aaron Nix

Monday, November 3, 2008

Follow up to Re-evaluation of Life :)

Well as far as the rearranging priorities and sticking to it I'm not doing horrible but I'm not doing as well as I would like either! The main thing I'm not keeping up with as much as I need and want to is God! Life is nothing without my relationship with him, he's given me more love and comfort than anyone ever. I know I need to work harder on this relationship! I was just telling a friend last night that I know my biggest issue in this area is patience. There is so much I want to work on and change and fix. I get all excited about wanting God to work in my life and I go out and get all these books and ideas on how to better study his word and then they sit on my book shelf and gather dust because I just become so overwhelmed. I get SO excited and try to fix and change everything all at once that I just get so lost in what I really need to be doing! This week my goal is to have my time with God at least once a day! This would be a vast improvement from what I have been doing. This isn't setting the goals too high (they sadly enough aren't high enough) and hopefully if I can help myself to accomplish this goal this week, I can for sure set the stakes higher next week! Hope everyone has a FABULOUS and Blessed day! Love yall! :)

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