Nothing too exciting really happened until Thursday. After work I went home and cleaned up a little before Josh and I headed to the wedding rehearsal! After that it was dinner at the Flying Saucer in downtown Fort Worth, this is where the real excitement began! (side note: when walking into rehearsal Johnny one of Josh's friends comes up to me and he says "We've never really met but I'm Johnny, it's good to finally meet you since Josh talks about you ALL the time" Made my heart melt :)) Anywho so at the dinner there was some beer and cheese pairing going on as well as beer and cheesecake! It was pretty much awesome! After everyone pretty much filtered out of the rehearsal dinner, we moved on to a different bar downtown. Had a lot of fun there as well! Side note 2: Josh's friend David text him, and all it says is, "she's a keeper" heart melted again) Not too long into the night Josh and I decide we should prolly head home considering I had to work in the morning!
So Friday morning was a lil rough but was still okay. Worked til 3 and then decided to tan before heading home to get ready for the wedding, little do I know that my "just gonna run and tan real quick" idea is going to turn into, spend thirty mins at the tanning salon! :) Anyways I finally get out of there and then I get ready and we head to the wedding. We get there and Jamie and I decide to run and get something to eat quickly, which also turns into a forever long journey! We stop at this Whataburger on Lancaster and let me just tell you, I prolly will never visit the whole street of Lancaster again! Especially not in a 200 dollar dress, right Jam?! So we eventually make it back to the wedding and do the whole wedding thing. It was a very beautiful and well put together wedding! :) SO CUTE! Then it was reception time, and considering I was only hours from meeting Big Bob and had partied a lil too hard Thursday night, I stayed pretty under control Friday night! After all the wedding festivities Josh and I got in the car and headed out on our mini getaway to the lovely Abiding Place.
About 15 min into the drive Jason calls, I had Jamie's keys in my purse, PERFECT!:) I'm re re! So we head back give them the keys and then its back on the road AGAIN for our mini vaca. After the long drive which I slept most of, we were finally at Josh's parents house. All half a sleep and confused, I walk up the stairs to the front porch and Big Bob introduces himself and gives me a big sweet! I got to stay in the love room and it has the MOST amazing bed ever! So needless to say I slept really well and kinda late into Saturday morning!
We had the most amazing lil brunch! Josh made us all omelets the way we wanted and then Teresa had made Apple Cinnamon pancakes as well! YUMMY! Jordan Josh and I then went outside to throw the football around a little, which was absolutely tons of fun. But not really the highlight of the whole trip! After throwing the ball around a lil Josh decides he's gonna take me on a lil spin in the gas powered golf cart...We take our lil trip and get back to the house. Josh decides we are gonna go out again and I decide I'm gonna invite Jordan to go with us so he doesn't have to just chill with Big Bob and Teresa since I'm sure he gets enough of that all the time :) Anyways we are out and about and are having a great time just being dorks. We head back to the house and Josh tells Jordan to just let us off and we will go in, but Jordan decides I need to see the back of the property. So off we go flying into the woods behind the house. Jordan's being the cute lil brother and making sure branches are smacking Josh and I in the face occasionally, we are finally on this lil straight away but the golf cart is no longer going straight, Josh and I were sure Jordan was trying to pull one of his lil letting the branch hit us things when suddenly we find ourselves on our sides IN some trees! Josh is holding us up with one arm and Jordan is pretty much wedged between the trees and the golf cart, I am wedged between the trees and Josh, Josh on the other hand is wedged between me (plenty of padding) and the golf cart seat (still plenty of padding). After a lil bit of sibling yelling, we were all out of the golf cart, both feet on the ground for all of us, standing there starin at the golf cart...LAUGHING hysterically. Now this would have been a great photo op but we were so caught up in checking injuries and wondering what Big Bob was gonna think that we completely spaced the photo op...
So we head back to the house on foot, really not that far of a walk, but Jordan and I were kinda in pain so it seemed a lil farther than it prolly should have. Jordan has like 6 cuts that are bleeding pretty good, and a bruise on his inner thigh, I have a bruise beginning on my upper left thigh, inner right calf, upper and lower shin and cuts that are bleeding, Josh, has a measly lil scratch on his wrist...and we laugh the whole way home...Jordan at one points says, "You know it actually might have been my fault, I was going a lil fast" :) Jordan's fault or not we blamed it on the broken steering column and that is the story we gave Teresa and Big Bob (who was more concerned about the sound on his HD channels).
Josh and I ended up getting the thing all the way back home by actually moving the wheels with our hands and feet and Big Bob was pretty impressed. Finally it was shower and relax time! When I got out of the most amazing shower ever, Jessica and the kids were there! They were pretty shy to me at first but eventually Gwen warmed up but I'm not so sure Gray is hooked yet! We all went to a steak house and had a wonderful meal and a great time! Sadly enough the time came that we all had to head our separate ways :(
All in all it was for sure one of the most amazing weekends I've ever had in my whole entire life. I would love to go to the Abiding Place and simply stay forever! Teresa and Bob are amazing people and parents. Jessica is a really cool sister and has awesome kids. And Jordan, took that boy a lil warming up to me as well but after he almost took my life I think we found our connection ;) He apologized so much for just a lil blood...I mean come on my own brothers have done worse than that too me and I don't believe I've ever heard a thank you from them! Any who, extremely long I should just end it and go! Hope yall enjoy reading about my near death experience :)
Josh and I ended up getting the thing all the way back home by actually moving the wheels with our hands and feet and Big Bob was pretty impressed. Finally it was shower and relax time! When I got out of the most amazing shower ever, Jessica and the kids were there! They were pretty shy to me at first but eventually Gwen warmed up but I'm not so sure Gray is hooked yet! We all went to a steak house and had a wonderful meal and a great time! Sadly enough the time came that we all had to head our separate ways :(
All in all it was for sure one of the most amazing weekends I've ever had in my whole entire life. I would love to go to the Abiding Place and simply stay forever! Teresa and Bob are amazing people and parents. Jessica is a really cool sister and has awesome kids. And Jordan, took that boy a lil warming up to me as well but after he almost took my life I think we found our connection ;) He apologized so much for just a lil blood...I mean come on my own brothers have done worse than that too me and I don't believe I've ever heard a thank you from them! Any who, extremely long I should just end it and go! Hope yall enjoy reading about my near death experience :)
1 comment:
Where does the broken windows portion of the story come in? haha. It was such an amazing weekend and I can't wait to have tons more with you! You are incredible. I love you babe!
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