Mr and Mrs Joshua Aaron Nix

Mr and Mrs Joshua Aaron Nix

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Broken Windows, Weddings, Golf Carts, Trees, Little Brothers and Bruises!

Wow! I really thought I would end up writing more last but I guess that didn't happen. Last week was prolly the first time I've actually REALLY earned my check from Silver Oak! :) They put me to work but it was nothing but FUN! Other than being absolutely crazy busy at Silver Oak I was working some crazy hours in my office at school as well! I'm not gonna lie, I actually cut out on some of those hours this week but yah its pretty much whatever!

Nothing too exciting really happened until Thursday. After work I went home and cleaned up a little before Josh and I headed to the wedding rehearsal! After that it was dinner at the Flying Saucer in downtown Fort Worth, this is where the real excitement began! (side note: when walking into rehearsal Johnny one of Josh's friends comes up to me and he says "We've never really met but I'm Johnny, it's good to finally meet you since Josh talks about you ALL the time" Made my heart melt :)) Anywho so at the dinner there was some beer and cheese pairing going on as well as beer and cheesecake! It was pretty much awesome! After everyone pretty much filtered out of the rehearsal dinner, we moved on to a different bar downtown. Had a lot of fun there as well! Side note 2: Josh's friend David text him, and all it says is, "she's a keeper" heart melted again) Not too long into the night Josh and I decide we should prolly head home considering I had to work in the morning!

So Friday morning was a lil rough but was still okay. Worked til 3 and then decided to tan before heading home to get ready for the wedding, little do I know that my "just gonna run and tan real quick" idea is going to turn into, spend thirty mins at the tanning salon! :) Anyways I finally get out of there and then I get ready and we head to the wedding. We get there and Jamie and I decide to run and get something to eat quickly, which also turns into a forever long journey! We stop at this Whataburger on Lancaster and let me just tell you, I prolly will never visit the whole street of Lancaster again! Especially not in a 200 dollar dress, right Jam?! So we eventually make it back to the wedding and do the whole wedding thing. It was a very beautiful and well put together wedding! :) SO CUTE! Then it was reception time, and considering I was only hours from meeting Big Bob and had partied a lil too hard Thursday night, I stayed pretty under control Friday night! After all the wedding festivities Josh and I got in the car and headed out on our mini getaway to the lovely Abiding Place.

About 15 min into the drive Jason calls, I had Jamie's keys in my purse, PERFECT!:) I'm re re! So we head back give them the keys and then its back on the road AGAIN for our mini vaca. After the long drive which I slept most of, we were finally at Josh's parents house. All half a sleep and confused, I walk up the stairs to the front porch and Big Bob introduces himself and gives me a big sweet! I got to stay in the love room and it has the MOST amazing bed ever! So needless to say I slept really well and kinda late into Saturday morning!

We had the most amazing lil brunch! Josh made us all omelets the way we wanted and then Teresa had made Apple Cinnamon pancakes as well! YUMMY! Jordan Josh and I then went outside to throw the football around a little, which was absolutely tons of fun. But not really the highlight of the whole trip! After throwing the ball around a lil Josh decides he's gonna take me on a lil spin in the gas powered golf cart...We take our lil trip and get back to the house. Josh decides we are gonna go out again and I decide I'm gonna invite Jordan to go with us so he doesn't have to just chill with Big Bob and Teresa since I'm sure he gets enough of that all the time :) Anyways we are out and about and are having a great time just being dorks. We head back to the house and Josh tells Jordan to just let us off and we will go in, but Jordan decides I need to see the back of the property. So off we go flying into the woods behind the house. Jordan's being the cute lil brother and making sure branches are smacking Josh and I in the face occasionally, we are finally on this lil straight away but the golf cart is no longer going straight, Josh and I were sure Jordan was trying to pull one of his lil letting the branch hit us things when suddenly we find ourselves on our sides IN some trees! Josh is holding us up with one arm and Jordan is pretty much wedged between the trees and the golf cart, I am wedged between the trees and Josh, Josh on the other hand is wedged between me (plenty of padding) and the golf cart seat (still plenty of padding). After a lil bit of sibling yelling, we were all out of the golf cart, both feet on the ground for all of us, standing there starin at the golf cart...LAUGHING hysterically. Now this would have been a great photo op but we were so caught up in checking injuries and wondering what Big Bob was gonna think that we completely spaced the photo op...
So we head back to the house on foot, really not that far of a walk, but Jordan and I were kinda in pain so it seemed a lil farther than it prolly should have. Jordan has like 6 cuts that are bleeding pretty good, and a bruise on his inner thigh, I have a bruise beginning on my upper left thigh, inner right calf, upper and lower shin and cuts that are bleeding, Josh, has a measly lil scratch on his wrist...and we laugh the whole way home...Jordan at one points says, "You know it actually might have been my fault, I was going a lil fast" :) Jordan's fault or not we blamed it on the broken steering column and that is the story we gave Teresa and Big Bob (who was more concerned about the sound on his HD channels).

Josh and I ended up getting the thing all the way back home by actually moving the wheels with our hands and feet and Big Bob was pretty impressed. Finally it was shower and relax time! When I got out of the most amazing shower ever, Jessica and the kids were there! They were pretty shy to me at first but eventually Gwen warmed up but I'm not so sure Gray is hooked yet! We all went to a steak house and had a wonderful meal and a great time! Sadly enough the time came that we all had to head our separate ways :(

All in all it was for sure one of the most amazing weekends I've ever had in my whole entire life. I would love to go to the Abiding Place and simply stay forever! Teresa and Bob are amazing people and parents. Jessica is a really cool sister and has awesome kids. And Jordan, took that boy a lil warming up to me as well but after he almost took my life I think we found our connection ;) He apologized so much for just a lil blood...I mean come on my own brothers have done worse than that too me and I don't believe I've ever heard a thank you from them! Any who, extremely long I should just end it and go! Hope yall enjoy reading about my near death experience :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

You are my sunshine....

This weekend was a crazy and hectic but definitely one of the best ones so far. Friday when I got off work the craziness began, it was actully Friday AT work when the craziness began, but that's a whole different blog in itself! :)

Friday after work I got home and started rearranging my room, why I picked that time of all times to do it, who knows. As soon as I got started with that, G's Sister, Grandma and Grandpa showed up at our apartment. Just a few min after that Jeff called and said he was sitting at Jamie's apartment so I went and got him, not but like 10 min after that Josh showed up with a sleeping bag for the adventure I was only an hour away from taking. So craziness with 12 million people at our apartment!

Then it was time to head to the Cornerstone to go on the Fall Camping Adventure with them! This trip brought me out of my shell last year so I knew I HAD to go again this year, and with the weekends off now it seemed like the PERFECT trip! We got there and started setting up tents and all that jazz. When it time to start making dinner (beef stew) we realized we did not have a fire starting source. So after several attempts with things that would normal start on fire if you didn't want them to, Jordan resorted to something EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! :) What about car batteries, jumper cables, sparks and propane sounds in the least bit safe?! Greatest part about it, the fire still took forever to light! THEN one of the lids to our wonderful family dollar pots broke, not a big deal except when it broke we lots a screw and a washer in the it was up to us when eating to find them! Awesome!

Anyways we went on with the evening which eventually led to the infamous CAPTURE THE FLAG, in the dark I might add! This game is incredible especially when it involved running through places completely blind. It's dark and they are woods so you are pretty much blind to anything out there! I first of all try to run from someone and end up at a dead stop my doing? no, I ran into a bush of THORNS and it literally stopped me dead in my tracks good things I had so much adrenaline otherwise I'm sure it would have hurt a lot more. Anyways, I get out of the thorn bush finally and take off on a dead sprint and suddenly notice that my feet are no longer on the ground and that my face is about to be...needless to say that was a lil painful as well...but I survived! We lost capture the flag and I decided I was done!...Oh earlier in the evening we attempted the whole human knot game, and for the first time ever I agreed to give up on the game. We had three circles and it was simply impossible!

Didn't get much sleep Friday night but oh well, got up Saturday and had a few set backs to our day but we eventually went out to repel and rock climb. This year was so much better, no turning upside down on the rock for me! Saturday was really long but we eventually got to head back to arlington! As soon as we got back I rushed home and got ready for Josh's show at El Arroyo! :) Jeff and I zoomed there and only missed like two songs or so..."

Most amazing thing ever of my weekend was having my boyfriend sing my songs in front of other people! :) He's the best! It is totally awesome to have a song written about you, but way more awesome to have like 5...and then have him sing them for everyone else :)

Sunday was pretty awesome as well, went to church then lunch for the second sunday in a row with my amazingly awesome boyfriend! :) and then to arlington to get ready for my softball games :) yay! We ended up winning our league! We killed the team that hadn't lost a game all season and caused them to give up more games than they ever had before! :) AWESOMENESS! Got a tshirt! :) Just want I needed! Another Tshirt!

So that was pretty much my weekend in a nut shell! Crazy busy but crazy awesome. And this week is about to be the same, so hold on tight! :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I still think about you...

The following comes from a note I wrote two years ago, I wrote it because I was so unsettled about numerous things in my life. But the most unsettling thing at the time was my step-grandma. She had lung cancer and at the time I wrote the note I knew for certain she was down to the last days, but I had absolutely no clue when I wrote the note how very true the beginning of my paragraph about her was...

06.Novemeber.08 1:34 am
she's dying...week by week, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute...and i really dont know what to think or how to feel...or what to say or if i should say anything at all? we weren't ever really close...and there have definately been huge tension issues...but shes still family...shes still been there for me a lot in my life...she still has taught me a lot...and she is still a person that means a lot to others in my life...but what do i i go home and try to tell her i just stay here? and if i do just stay here is it because there really is nothing i can do to help? or is it because im being selfish and dont want to see her that way or is it because she prolly wouldn't want to see me anyways....and in all reality this isn't really about me as much as im making it right now. she is the one hurting and just wanting to go home....her permanent home...please god just dont let her hurt anymore...thats what it is all about now...please let her be at rest...

About 16 or so hours later she was gone. I was on my way to see her. I had decided it was what I needed to do. Mom told me it wouldn't be long, and so I made the decision, I had to go home. But for some reason I stalled about it, I didn't go as soon as I told mom I was going to. I hung around the caf talking to the girls. I went to my room and slowly packed a bag for the night. And I got in my car and headed that way, about fifteen minutes into the drive mom called, Jackie had passed away 30 min before mom called. Mom tried to wait until I got there, but since I was lazy about getting around to leave, she happened to call when I was on the road, and knew that if she didn't tell me right then, I'd be pretty upset. So after Mom called I was SO crushed, I just wanted to talk to someone, I called all my friends but I think something was happening at school that night and they were there. So I called my Dad, not really someone I've gone to for comfort over the years but I knew that he'd be able to comfort me at this time. This is how this conversation went.

Dad: Hey sis. Are you okay?!
Me: No Dad, She's gone, Jackie's gone and all I wanted to do was go see her, Daddy I was on my way.
Dad: Sis I'm so sorry, and I was just about to call you anyways, Grandma D is in the hospital in Wichita.
Me: (crying hysterically, while driving down the road at 70 mph) Daddy is she gonna be okay?
Dad: Ya, she'll be okay sis, just a bleeding ulcer, she will be okay when they get it stopped, don't worry sis, I just wanted you to know.

The rest of the conversation is prolly pretty irrelevant, but every time this time of year comes around they are all I can think about. And little did Dad know, just like little do any of us know God's plan for our lives, Grandma D wasn't okay, they couldn't completely get the ulcer to stop and she passed away eleven days later. After these two weeks I'm usually pretty okay and move on with life just fine I mean I still miss them all the time it's just that I miss them SO much more over this time. And when big life events happen that they should be there for. Like Elsie having Case, Jackie would have had six million pictures of him! Zach's wedding they both would have been there and in the family pictures, Michele having Baby Trey, etc. I miss them SO much, and I know there are things I missed out on with them that I look back on and wonder why I didn't do them when I could. And now I'm faced with being 400+ miles away and knowing that both of my grandfathers I have left are also at points in their life that aren't the best. And I want so bad sometimes to just be able to sit around and talk with Grandpa Simon and sit on his lap like old times, but I can't make myself when I'm home because it hurts too much. And with Grandpa Doyle, when I am home, I do hug him as much as possible and he tells me how proud he is of me. But everytime I have to tell both of them goodbye, I know it could be my last, and it hurts.

So if I'm grouchy or looking down over the next two weeks, I'm sorry. It's hard and I know it's been two years so I should be fine. But I'm still not really. I miss them.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Yes it is true after about six years I am no longer what one would call single! For those of you who have known me over the last six years, I'm hoping you are not too shocked right now! lol.

His name is Josh and he is one of the most amazing people I've ever met in my LIFE! I met him mid August through a mutual friend. He didn't hang around very long that night but he surely did try some smooth moves to get my phone number from our friend ;). We continued to show up at the same places and eventually he found a way to get my number real casually from me. We started texting and hanging out occasionally. I would go home and talk about him non stop and every time I did, Gretchen would tell me that I loved him ha. And I would tell her NO that I only loved his voice and his guitar! G and I went over it several times and every time she was like Amiee just admit it! :) He and I kept talking and continued to hang out. Some craziness ended up going on but we stuck with each other as friends and helped each other through it all. I kept telling Josh that I liked him but wanted to take things slow and see what happened, not force anything and not title anything. I also had to break the news to him that come May or July I could very well be on my way back to Kansas! So anyways, the other day I was driving in my car and it hit me, I had decided that I wanted to make it official, that there was no reason not to and that I was ready! (Which once again for those of you who have known me over the last six years that was a HUGE decision for me) So I text Jamie and told her I needed to tell her something...and I told her and she just smiled for me. Then Friday Josh was hanging out at the apartment with Jamie and I and I happened to use the word Girlfriend referencing me and Josh kinda flipped on me a lil :). Anyways we got to his house for the big halloween bash and we went to his room and talked and he asked me to be his girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! I'm a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend and I cannont ever remember being this happy! :)

Despite all the craziness over just the last 2.5 months things have been awesome and amazing! Those of you who have known my struggle over the last six years know that this is a huge step for me. I would find a guy fall for him and then when he would show the same feelings I would back out. Then when I'd finally decide I wasn't scared, I would fall completely and darned if the guy then wasn't ready for something. Or there would be a great and amazing guy that I know would treat me right but I could only see that guy as a friend. I honestly can't really describe to anyone completely why I've finally came out of my issue with relationships but I have and I'm SO happy! And I'm not gonna be scared of what may come, I'm gonna enjoy every day as it comes and love every minute of it. Don't get me wrong I'm still a lil timid and cautious but I am falling more and more every day, with a guy like him who couldn't!

All of this is so sappy I know but I finally can write about something that truly makes me happy again so that's what I'm doing! Thank you everyone who kept encouraging me and made me realize that passing up this opportunity would definitely be a horrible decision! the really sappy part... :)

Joshua Aaron Nix, you have made me more happy than I have ever been in only 2.5 months, scares me a lil but more than anything it brightens my world. You have been more patient and understanding than I could have ever asked you to be! Neither one of us know for sure where this will go but I know that we both will just take each day as it comes and embrace it! Over the last six years there was never anyone who truly deserved the title of my boyfriend, until you! Thank you so much for all you've done so far! :) You are the bestest boyfriend ever :)

Love was kept from me like a secret
And I swore that I was through
Until you, until you...

:) Happiest Blog to date :)

Follow up to Re-evaluation of Life :)

Well as far as the rearranging priorities and sticking to it I'm not doing horrible but I'm not doing as well as I would like either! The main thing I'm not keeping up with as much as I need and want to is God! Life is nothing without my relationship with him, he's given me more love and comfort than anyone ever. I know I need to work harder on this relationship! I was just telling a friend last night that I know my biggest issue in this area is patience. There is so much I want to work on and change and fix. I get all excited about wanting God to work in my life and I go out and get all these books and ideas on how to better study his word and then they sit on my book shelf and gather dust because I just become so overwhelmed. I get SO excited and try to fix and change everything all at once that I just get so lost in what I really need to be doing! This week my goal is to have my time with God at least once a day! This would be a vast improvement from what I have been doing. This isn't setting the goals too high (they sadly enough aren't high enough) and hopefully if I can help myself to accomplish this goal this week, I can for sure set the stakes higher next week! Hope everyone has a FABULOUS and Blessed day! Love yall! :)