Mr and Mrs Joshua Aaron Nix

Mr and Mrs Joshua Aaron Nix

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


DISCLAIMER: Some of you may not like what you are about to read and I'm sorry that you may be offended but this blog isn't for you. It is mine, and it is for me to write what I want to write so thanks for stopping by but feel no need to leave a comment if it is just going to be rude or negative!

Now don't get me wrong yall, nothing about my current relationship makes me want to write this blog. I am very happy and very in love. I have just had this topic on my heart lately and needed to vent just a little.

It is extremely sad to me the number of people in this world who have chosen to be unfaithful to a significant other. I just can't seem to fathom why a person would tell someon they love them and sometimes even take it a step further and commit to that person in front of GOD and EVERYONE if they weren't going to remain faithful. I know that love and marriage is not easy people, TRUST ME I know, but that in no way, shape or form gives anyone the right to turn on a love one.

To the cheaters: Do you ever think about how your actions will affect the person you love/are committed to when they find out? (trust me they WILL find out) Do you ever think about the long term consequences of your choice(s)? And if you have a child or children with that person do you think about how those children will be affected!? oh and one more DO YOU THINK!? I guess that answer to that could be yes, you think no one will find out. Or you think "just this one time".

I guess one small motivation of this blog comes from a song I listened to on the way to work this morning. I may or may not know the songwriter/artist and so I may or may not know the whole story behind the song. Go give it a listen if you will...

I've actually had a few days where I just wanted to YELL at the person this song talks about. It infuriates me that someone could treat someone SO amazing SO HORRIBLE! But I know yelling at that person won't make me feel any better. And I also gotta say if that person didn't make the decision they made, I may not have the MOST AMAZING FIANCE IN THE WORLD!

I'm sorry I've gotten on this soap box today but the unfaithfulness of relationships seems to be running crazy lately! It is something that just makes me sad! I think I had more to write but I'm so scattered brained about this subject right now that I can't seem to put it all together!

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